[*The Company/* Associated Person] makes this Integrity Declaration and Undertaking (“Undertaking”)
in favour of Hong Leong MSIG Takaful Berhad (“HLM Takaful”)
In this Undertaking:
“ABC Policy”
means HLM Takaful’s Anti-Corruption System Policy which is available at
“Anti-Bribery Laws” means the MACC Act, and the rules and
regulations issued thereunder, and any other applicable laws, statutes,
regulations, rules and orders that relates to bribery or corruption;
“bribery” refers to the act of corruptly authorising,
giving, agreeing to give, promising, offering, soliciting, receiving, or
agreeing to receive any gratification;
“gratification” has the meaning assigned to it in the MACC
Act; and
“MACC Act” means Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act
2009, as amended from time to time.
1. [*The Company/* Associated Person] is advised and duly acknowledges that
HLM Takaful practices zero tolerance towards any form of bribery and
corruption and that HLM Takaful is committed to conducting its business
ethically and with integrity in line with HLM Takaful’s ACS Policy
and Anti-Bribery Laws.
2. [*The Company/* Associated Person] hereby represents, warrants and
undertakes that in every aspect of its business relationship with HLM
Takaful, including all services rendered by it or on its behalf where
permitted by HLM Takaful to do so, [*the Company/* Associated Person] shall
observe and uphold HLM Takaful’s zero-tolerance policy on corruption and
bribery, and comply with Anti-Bribery Laws.
3. [*The Company/* Associated Person] declares that (please tick whichever
is applicable):
it is not aware of any actual or potential conflict of interest
situations with HLM Takaful and [*the Company, its directors and/or
shareholders are/* Associated Person is] NOT connected to the staff,
directors and shareholders of HLM Takaful
apart from the actual or potential conflict of interest situations set
out below (including information on connected parties), [*the Company/*
Associated Person] is not aware of any other actual or potential conflict
of interest situations with HLM Takaful:
4. [*The Company/* Associated Person] undertakes to notify HLM Takaful, as
soon as practicable, of any new, actual or potential conflict of interest
situations with HLM Takaful arise.
5. [*The Company/* Associated Person] declares that (please tick whichever
is applicable):
[*the Company, its directors and/or shareholders are/* Associated Person
is] NOT suspected of, [*are/*is] NOT being investigated for, and
[*have/*has] NOT been convicted of any criminal offences;
[*the Company, its directors and/or shareholders are/* Associated Person
is] suspected of, [*are/*is] being investigated for or [*have/*has] been
convicted of the following criminal offences:
6. [*The Company/* Associated Person] acknowledges that it is encouraged
to, at the earliest opportunity, raise any concerns it may have in relation
to any:
(i) suspected, attempted or actual corruption incidents involving HLM
Takaful; or
(ii) improper conduct or wrongful act involving HLM Takaful;
as set out in HLM Takaful’s ACS Policy.
7. This Undertaking, given in consideration of [*the Company’s/* Associated
Person’s] business relationship with HLM Takaful, shall remain in effect
for as long as HLM Takaful has any other agreements that are in force and
8. [*The Company/* Associated Person] agrees that notwithstanding anything
to the contrary in any Effective Agreement, HLM Takaful is entitled to
immediately cease its business relationship with [*the Company/* Associated
Person] and terminate the Effective Agreements without liability to [*the
Company/* Associated Person and/or take any other action, in the event
[*the Company/* Associated Person] breaches this Undertaking or if any
information provided above by [*the Company/* Associated Person] is untrue,
incomplete, or inaccurate in any respect.
9. This Undertaking shall be governed by the laws of Malaysia and shall be
subject to the Malaysian courts.
Yours faithfully,
For and on behalf of the Company [*the Company/* Associated Person]
Identity Card/Passport Number: